Oh dear. I think I just deleted some genuine comments by mistake when I was doing my daily de-spamming. Sorry…

I really must get a better spam filter installed. The default in WordPress isn’t good enough – it needs me to go through dozens of spams a day manually.

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7 thoughts on “oops

  1. Tore Vesterby

    Check out Akismet, Jill. The only caveat is that you have to sign up for a WordPress account in order to get an activation code, but from there on it stops most of the spam that gets thrown at you.

  2. Stephanie

    I love spam karma! It is also a wordpress plugin and it *really* works!

  3. Jill

    I had spam karma and loved it, but I thought it didn’t work with WordPress 2.0? Not sure where I got that idea from, actually. Anyway, turned out I’d already installed Aksimet except I hadn’t entered a wordpress.com API, so I set that up – now we’ll see how it works…

  4. Aaron

    WP-Hashcash is okay, or used to be at least. For the first few months that I used it most all spam was blocked, but now more is getting through again. Still it might be worth checking out, plus I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s an updated version and I just haven’t gotten around to upgrading yet.

  5. eirikso

    I am now running Akismet, Spam Karma 2 and Bad Behaviour. All three of them on the same WP 2.0 blog. That combination has stopped absolutely all spam. And I have a lot of it. You find the links at the top of my complete list of plugins here:

  6. b¯rge

    I just have to add to the praise of Akismet. It’s accuracy is amazing!

  7. Jeremy

    Askimet is pretty good, although it doesn’t let you configure a whitelist – so when I leave link-filled comments for other authors on WRT, it flags them for moderation and I have to go in and moderate. Otherwise I’m happy with it.

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