One foot in front of the other. Her camera looks down but her eyes do not. Almost everything is outside of the frame, outside of the representation, outside of the blog.

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11 thoughts on “omitted

  1. vika

    Nicely done!

  2. weez

    I don’t know why, but this makes me happy.

  3. Jill

    It was so EASY! I’m amazed! Just shoot video with the still camera by mistake when you thought you were taking a still photo, import it using ImageCapture (built into Mac OS), edit slightly in iMovie, export with really bad quality so that the file is almost as small as a tiny image, and embed it. Then do it again without sound because the sound is so annoying 🙂


    I like the pixellation.

  4. ghani

    That’s funny, Jill, because my favorite part of the movie was the sound – it made me feel like the quicktime movie was a little gateway to another place — the image itself doesn’t have the same effect. Then again, that’s just me!

  5. torill

    For some reason I didn’t get the sound. I’ll try again from different computers and let you know what works…

    Happy to see you are having fun though, out there beyond the frame!

  6. Jill

    Oh, the sound was only there for the first hour after I posted it. Then I posted it again without sound, because I find sound in websites annoying, most of the time. Well, not always. Perhaps I’ll try using sound that you can turn on or off.

    I like your idea of sound as an opening to another world, Ghani. Mm.

    And I’m having a wonderful time outside the frame 🙂

  7. raymon

    . . . first experience was with sound . . . totally stimulating . . . yes the sound became annoying so hit the mute key . . . next time expected the sound (wanted the sound) . . . gone & thought something was wrong until read the comments . . . sound informs the image . . . imagine the sound without the image which happens if you scroll off the image . . . too delightful . . .

  8. Jill

    Sound’s in again 🙂

  9. Stefan

    Reminds of a line from “Lost in Translation”. Something about taking pictures of your feet …

  10. Anonymous

    No way to turn off the sound? Quickly becomes annoying.

  11. datacloud

    This was sort of spellbinding.
    This was sort of spellbinding. When the page opened, I sort of lapsed into a dreamstate, staring at the animation for about five minutes before I realized I’d lost most of my powers of volition. Kind of like The Ring,…

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