Norway’s recently acquired a vocal and self-aware blogosphere, as evidenced by last month’s expulsion of a blogger from, and the following establishment of a new portal for bloggers, Imperfektum. At about the same time, a group blog about blogging was started up, Bloggblogg.

There was no Norwegian blogosphere when I started blogging, though I found some after a few months. One of the reasons I switched to writing in English was that there were hardly any other Norwegian language bloggers – and more importantly, it got to be incredibly frustrating to comment on larger discussions in the AngloBlogosphere and for no one to be able to read my posts! Invisibility is no fun at all! Actually, a main reason I started off blogging in Norwegian was that I figured it would be a secret code language, safer since so few people would understand it.

Anyway, self-reflexion seems to be what happens when blogospheres reach that critical mass. Not just Metafilter, but Metatalk.

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2 thoughts on “norwegian blogosphere

  1. Norwegian kafir

    There is a Norwegian blogosphere now, although some of us still choose to write in English.

  2. Jill

    I guess I’m part of it 🙂

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