I just ordered Noah & Saskia, which is an Australian kids’ television series about a British boy and an Australian girl, both 14, who meet online when Saskia discovers that Noah (or “Max” as his avatar in the graphic chat world they’re on) has stolen one of her songs and used it as a soundtrack for his comics without asking. To their surprise, they’re completely fascinated by each other. I bet my 8 1/2 year old will proclaim it “boring”, but I’ll watch it! Angela Thomas, who’s researching kids and identiy online among other things, writes many good things about the serial.
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This looks great–I’d love to purchase it for my niece. How did you get around the DVD region codes? I’m pretty sure US DVD players and TVs won’t accept the Australian PAL format or region codes. Are European players more flexible?
Here they sell DVD-players with the codes for unlocking them and making them zone-free. For some reason the players aren’t sold already unlocked. I think it’s because with the trial against DVD-Jon, Norwegian courts found that it’s legal to adjust your own equiptment so it will play your own, legally bought media. Which, you know, seems a no-brainer, really.
You can find codes for unlocking many if not most DVD-players. Anders Jacobsen did.
Try dvdcodes.net or dvddezone.net. Anders J. used the second, which is in French, the first is advertised in a Google ad and looks fine. There are plenty of others. There are zone-free DVD players for Macs and PCs as well, though I haven’t tried any of them.
It’s unbelievable that a government as keen on a free market as the USA’s can accept Hollywood artificially locking equiptment like that.
Many thanks, Jill.
“It‚Äôs unbelievable that a government as keen on a free market as the USA‚Äôs can accept Hollywood artificially locking equiptment like that.” Yes, and I’m afraid the American public can’t look to the Democrats to adopt a position more enlightened than that of the Republicans since Hollywood lines the coffers of the Dems by a 2-to-1 margin. At least we have Lessig fighting the good fight.
Noah and Saskia is made by the company I work for!
I could’ve got you a discount…
i luv noah and saskia im 15 and its gr8 how did u get it????? i want 2 buy it. is it only on dvd or can u get it on vhs 2?
Helen, you can buy it from the ABC shop, here. It’ll say there whether it’s VHS as well as DVD. That’s great to hear you liked it – I just finished watching it all, and really enjoyed it!
yeah, noah n saskia really rocks!! i was only flicking the channel, when i finally fallen in love watching this show. i keep looking forward for the next episode. n i was entirely so sad when it’s finished.
helen sewell
Are they making a second season of Noah and Saskia by any chance?Also is it available for purchase in the Uk or will i have to buy it online?
noah n saskia is great though i cant believe im talking abou this show come on im 16give me some dignity ive been trying to get it in dvd but i cant find region 2 someone please help me
hey guys! am desperately trying to find somewhere I can buy a region 2 version of Noah and Saskia before xmas! Jack Blumenau (who plays Noah) is my best friend’s boyfriend and I’m trying to get her N&S for xmas (long running joke between us…) so if anyone knows where I can commandeer one please let me know! And no they’re not currently making a second series that I know of…
Love Carrie xxxx
I’m afraid I don’t know whether you can buy a region 2 version of it – mine’s region 4, and I play it on my zone free DVD player. Perhaps you could ask the BBC, who broadcast it? They might sell it in the BBC shop.
yeah i really hope that they make a second series of Noah & Saskia coz it is such a good show!!
I’m 15 and I love noah and saskia! I’m really interested in wether or not they’re going to make a secound season! But i can’t find the infomation everywhere! Can any1 help me?
Matty G
I’m from the UK and I REALLY want to find a DVD of Noah and Saskia. I’ve read through the entries and trawled search engines but I can’t find any links that work. If anyone can give me any advice e-mail me at: noahandsaskia@mgfx.co.uk
I bought the Noah and Saskia DVD from the ABC shop. The link is http://shop.abc.net.au/. I did a product search today and it looks as though they no longer sell the video of the series, unfortunately, but they have a paperback book of it! Perhaps that would compensate a little? I have no idea whether they’ll make a second series.
hey, I remember watching this programme ages ago must have been at least 4 years ago!
Does anyone know if it’s still on sale or where I can get a copy if it isn’t?