The news is so entertaining these days: did you know that passengers on flights to the US will no longer be allowed to queue for the toilet? No gathering in groups. I assume that following this strategy wireless internet will be banned on flights to the States before it’s even implemented. And almanacs, of course.
I wonder how they’ll organise the toilet needs of passengers. Potties? Draw a number perhaps? Sign up before departure? The in-flight multi-user quizzes could be modified for this – but oh dear, imagine the secret messages plotters could send by losing or winning a quiz!
Presumably the courts’ recent ruling that passengers can’t sue airlines for deep vein thrombosis due to lack of movement while flying was noted by the US government before requiring no movement while flying.
Last month I flew out of the States unintentionally carrying one of those pocket knives with screwdrivers, axes and corkscrews attached to it. I was horrified when I got to Oslo and found it in my bag when I was rummaging around for something. I’d completely forgotten about it – obviously it should have been in my checked luggage. While I’m pleased to still have my pocket knife, which was a graduation present, I’m rather shocked that it wasn’t found and confiscated. Knives get through security but we’re not allowed to queue for the toilet.
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i just got back from germany, and they were quite strict about the lavatory lines. of course, i had to be as far away as possible from the lav, so i waited longer than i should have, which was terrible. but at least they don’t make you pay. you have to pay to use public facilities in frankfurt.
Having to pay on the PLANE? What an outrageous idea! We have to pay to use most public toilets in Norway… Do you mean they’re free in the States? Cool.
Oh dear. My blog’s becoming a toilet blog. Icelandic toilets, toilets in games and now this… Tut tut.
Jorunn points to a rather funny take off of all this:
At New York’s Kennedy airport today, an individual later discovered to be a public school teacher was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a setsquare, a slide rule, and a calculator.
President Bush said, “If God had wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He would have given us more fingers and toes.
oh sorry. i meant frankfurt the city. the plane toilets were free … when you can use them.
Am I the only one thinking this? … there needs to be a game! The airport lavatory toilet game.
Water Cooler Games
Flight Sim Scare
Following on Jill’s post about the prohibition of lavatory queues on US-bound flights, and our absurd fears about almanacs, is this Register article about a state trooper’s housecall after a mother bought her son a Flight Sim from a local…