Hey, Bergen said no to Clear Channel’s advertising in public spaces! Awesome!!! Public outrage can actually lead to our democratically elected representatives changing their minds! Yay! Thanks, everyone! (Yeah, I’m late, it was yesterday. I was busy…)

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5 thoughts on “no to clear channel

  1. Lars

    Congratulations and thank you, Bergen. You’ve set an example for all of us.

  2. Jill

    Yes! Hang on, they’re not going to try and plaster Vads¯ with ads, are they?

  3. Lars

    No, I guess they’re not. That’s just one of the many advantages of living here: We’re just not many enough or rich enough for Clear Channel to want to visually pollute our public spaces. We do that ourselves. Which, strangely, feels better.

  4. mymarkup.net

    Nej tack, Clear Channel

    Jill Walker skriver att staden Bergen tackat nej till ett erbjudande fr? Clear Channel Norge att st f? reklaminfrastrukturen i…

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