Today’s May 1st, and instead of using the holiday to walk in processions waving banners that literary critics should get paid more and have better copyright protection, as emails from the union suggested, or joining the researcher’s union in the parades (do researchers ever join the May 1st parade?), I’m spending my day thinking about maybe doing some gardening while playing World of Warcraft. All my guildies have levelled past me and I’m woefully behind, so it’s clear I need to put in some hours of grinding to catch up. Also, it’s fun.
I’ve discovered that my second computer can be used not only to check the many websites with player advice, but also to view World of Warcraft news and games. Like watching people at The Gathering compete in a dance-like-someone-in-World-of-Warcraft competition. Yeah, most danced Undead male (easy if you have long hair for headbanging) but there was a pretty good nightelf male too (think Michael Jackson) and I particularly liked the Troll male, who did very good leg kicks and even a wonderful salto.
I even found a news report linked from Clickable Culture. Wonderful!
(And here’s a tangential link to Kottke lauding Youtube in comparison to BitTorrent and Google Video, at least for short videos like this.)
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