A few weeks ago, I gave a talk at TEDxBergen about wearables, the Quantified Self movement, dataism and all the things we cannot and might not want to measure. The talk is a shorter version of chapter 5 in my new book Seeing Ourselves Through Technology (which you can buy in print or download for free) and tells a story about my own questions about what we can and cannot measure, using some of my own logs as well as looking at examples of apps like Spreadsheets and thinking about the relationship between quantified personal data and reality. Here’s the talk!

I really enjoyed the other talks at the event as well. Linn Søvig spoke about her passion for games, and her work translating between game developers and a general audience. Brad Berens spoke about Shakespeare’s business strategies as a model for contemporary businesses. Nico Rose spoke about luck and how to create it. Pellegrino Ricardi spoke about cross-cultural communication, and Sergey Medvedev told us about the many, many walls that have been built between countries since the fall of the Berlin wall.

2 thoughts on “My TEDxBergen talk: What Can’t We Measure in a Quantified World?

  1. Stine

    Tak for et spændende oplæg! Jeg kom til at tænke på dig og din tale i dag, da jeg faldt over dette Kickstarter-projekt: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/angeliatrinidad/passion-planner-the-one-place-for-all-your-thought

    Det er jo self tracking om noget (af drømme og mål) – men analogt. Det er interessant, at kvinden bag fremhæver, at hun oplever, der er tale om en anden tankeproces, når man skriver noget ned i hånden frem for på computer. Gad vide om denne oplevelse svinder med de nye generationer, der bliver mindre og mindre vant til at skrive i hånden?

  2. Clare Hooper

    Thanks for the links! I really enjoyed your talk, and Pellegrino Ricardi’s too.

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