Thomas Brevik is Bergen’s most interesting librarian, and one of the people who convinced me that a librarian who’s enthusiastic about technology is a person you definitely want to know. He’s been blogging for ages, but has now got his own domain,, and has converted his blog, Bibliotekarens bibliotek, to MoveableType. Yup, it was he bought me that pizza! To celebrate Thomas’s conversion to MoveableType, I’m sending him a trackback 🙂

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2 thoughts on “miromurr

  1. [ S K A I H I G H ]
    I found a new bloggdirectory. It’s called and I was listed. I think it is connected with the Open

  2. 10 ?•r som blogger

    […] Det har v?¶rt mange som har betydd mye for hvordan jeg har utviklet meg som blogger. Jill Walker Rettberg var den som presenterte meg for blogging og som etter to ?•r hjalp meg ?• sette opp min f??rste blogg p?• eget domene ( i MovableType. Dengangen det var n??dvendig med en komplisert installasjon p?• egen server og oppsett av MySQL database og lignende. Jeg skj??nte ikke s?• mye, men Jill var hjelpsomheten selv og stilte opp med gode r?•d og praktisk hjelp. (hun fikk den tradisjonelle nerde-l??nnen, Pizza fra Peppes) […]

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