I want to be able to read this! “Hipertexto Cooperativo: Uma Analise da Escrita Coletiva a partir dos Blogs e da Wikipedia”. I mean, it’s a title I might have chosen myself! Darn.

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3 thoughts on “linguistic barrier

  1. bicyclemark

    Ill get workin on a translation for ya.

  2. Alvaro

    Here is an (amateur) translation of the abstract:
    The article discusses the caracteristics of collective writing and the concept of cooperative hypertext. From there it discusses how blogs and Wikipedia make visible a tangible ìlive webî, interwined and edited by the internautas.

  3. David

    “Cooperative Hypertext: Uma Analise gives Written Coletiva to divide two Blogs and gives Wikipedia”

    best Babelfish can do. That’s Spanish. Didn’t work as well with Italian or Portuguese.

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