Here’s a job advertisement for a PhD fellowship looking at the convergence between information systems and new media in a democracy perspective – four years, 25% teaching, pay is around about $40,000 I think, and you need an MA in a relevant subject to apply. I don’t think you have to be a Norwegian resident to apply.

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3 thoughts on “job

  1. Mark Federman

    No, you just need to be a Norwegian to understand the requirements. :\

  2. Jill

    Write to the email address given and ask, they’ll give you information.

  3. J. Nathan Matias

    If only I were a few degrees further along. But it’s nice to see positions available that would combine experience in computing, new media, humanities, and democracy issues. As a parliamentarian new media guy, it makes me feel like I’m not going in too weird a direction.

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