Hyperfictions may not be for the literary gourmet who likes to indulge in a piece of prose in the figurative bathtub. Hyperfictions are for the addict to whom the sight of the fridge is the promise of a bowl of mousse. Who cannot pass the candy-shop. You don’t read a gripping hyperfiction like a thrilling novel: preferably in one session. Instead, you return many times, sometimes after hours, sometimes after months, and the icon that sits patiently on your desktop soon teases as much as a wad of paper with the bookmark far to the left.
(Anja Rau, “Confessions Of A Binge Reader“)
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Mark Bernstein
A better link.
Jeg kan ikke g?• forbi slikbutikken. Jeg bor i den. Hver dag.
I´m researching a story about hyperfictions for
http://www.kulturnett.no. (Jill has promised to give us
an intervju :)) I´m in need of quotes (like this
one)on hyperfictions. Anybody?