Andreas Kitzmann’s book Saved from Oblivion: Documenting the Daily from Diaries to Web Cams looks as though it might be useful for studying weblogs and such. The book “focuses on the major forms of self-documentation that have been in use since the late nineteenth century and covers traditional diaries, snapshot photography, home movies/videos, and web-based media such as web cams and online diaries or journals.” I’ve put it in my shopping basket.

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4 thoughts on “interesting book by Andreas Kitzmann

  1. Anthony

    Thanks for bringing this book to our attention. I’m adding it to my next Amazon order, too!

  2. Marika

    Thanks for sharing Jill! This seems like a very interesting book.

  3. Arne

    Is this correct?

  4. Jill

    Microsoft buys Blogger from Google? Looks like an April Fool’s joke to me… I’m not going to trust ANYTHING today 🙂

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