My friend Lars has a poem in the next issue of Ice Floe. I had never heard of Ice Floe, so of course I clicked the link and found, to my surprise, a journal for poets living north of the 60th latitude. The most beautiful thing about it seems to be the diversity: the last issue has poems from Alaska, Iceland, the Shetlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia, and the ones not in English are all presented both in the original and with an English translation. Bergen is actually just north of 60?, though we don’t really think of ourselves as Northern here. We’re southerners, ignorant of true midnight sun, more likely to go to Rome than to Nordkapp. Rome is closer, actually.

One day I’ll go north.

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6 thoughts on “Ice Floe

  1. Toril

    I can recommend the north, it is absolutely stunning. In fact I have
    seen a lot of the world, but nothing like Lofoten and its surroundings.

  2. Simon

    Perhaps you’ll be able to contribute to Nordland fylkes LÊrende nettverk project. That should warrant a trip up here. Let me know when you’re coming, and we’ll argue over dinner.

  3. steve

    Have you heard the music of John Luther Adams? His book Winter Music is about the process of composing in response to living in the Arctic. Definitely worth a read (and a listen).

  4. Blogger

    So, what about the blogg contest at

  5. Jill

    Wow. Thanks, Steve!

    Blogger: I think the jury’s nominations are being announced today 🙂

  6. Lars

    You’ll be most welcome when you do go north, Jill 🙂
    And thanks to Steve for the tip on John Luther Adams.
    Incidentally, I was inspired by this post to consider more closely what exactly “the north” is.

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