“Games can make things more complicated, rather than less complicated,” Ian Bogost told Stephen Colbert last night on the Colbert report. You can watch the segment on the Comedy Central website – at least until the next episode of the Colbert Report is up this evening US time. Pity it’s not embeddable, or on YouTube… I’ve got to say, I’m impressed that a colleague’s on the Colbert Report. And Ian looked and sounded great. I’m looking forward to reading his new book, Persuasive Games.

Update: look at that, Linn figured out how to embed a video from Comedy Central! So I copied it 🙂

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4 thoughts on “Ian Bogost on the Colbert Report

  1. […] Just found out that one of my former colleagues at Georgia Tech, Ian Bogost, was on The Colbert Report the other night.¬† Bogost was promoting his book, Persuasive Games, as well as the Persuasive Games website.¬† The interview is lots of fun, and of course, as Jill points out, it’s very cool to see a colleague interacting with one of the funniest people on television.¬† As with most Comedy Central content, the video isn’t embeddable on YouTube, but you can watch it on Comedy Central’s website for at least the next few days. […]

  2. […] (Code for embedding from Linn via Jill.) […]

  3. Linn

    Yeah – the embedding button was very hard to find at it was only available for a minute. I wouldn’t have found it either if I hadn’t stubbornly sworn that I’d read somewhere Comedy Central was now including embedding. A sad design.

  4. Jill Walker Rettberg

    Well, thanks for finding it! That’s great that they allow embedding, since they took their videos off YouTube.

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