Scura the level 4 warlockLast night I made myself a human. There are dozens of low-level humans and elves and orcs on my account, actually, because my ten-year-old adores making new characters, but this time I made one for myself, thinking I’d try to make someone who’s not caucasian, to see how possible that is. She’s pretty convincing, don’t you think? Once I was playing Scura I noticed how incredibly light-skinned everyone else in the game seemed to me. Before I hadn’t really thought of that. And I was a little upset that there were only straight-haired hairstyles. Should perhaps read Kolko or Nakimura‘s books.

I wonder whether players in the many non-Western countries on average choose different-looking avatars to Westerners. Do they have different options when creating a character? Does it bother them that there are so many more shades of snow-white skin than of darker skin-tones?

Another reason for making a human: I want to try the Onyxia quests from the Alliance side – but I guess that will take a lot of investment of time. Even my horde character is still only level 42. Ayayay.

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6 thoughts on “i made a human

  1. Esther

    I also spent hours trying to get a vaguely coloured looking avatar and eventually ended up with someone who I thought looked convincingly Indian. And it’s the pony tails that bug me.. I hate those pony tails…

  2. Jill

    Actually I wonder whether even the surroundings are colour-tuned to fair skin. My dark-skinned dwarf looks pretty good in those snowy places, but poor Scura doesn’t show up that well in Elwynn Forest. I should have a look at screenshots from those super-successful Korean and other Asian games to see what colour schems they use.

  3. Mindoro

    Welcome to the alliance side of this fantastic world we call Azeroth. im quite sure you will find that the races of the alliance is just as fun to play as the horde side. What is interesting to see though, is how each side literarly hate eachother, inspite of the fact that many of the same players have horde characters on other servers. And once they shift allegiance, they shift their hate…. they human psyche is a fun thing to watch 😛
    As formyself i have chosen to play a rather sarcastic female night elf. a hunter no less.
    My reasons for this is simple – i liked the looks, the grace and the character attibutes i made for her. The reason for choosing a hunter is that i like the idea of being able to play solitary, and still retain a pet for support if i should need it. Needless to say i have come to reply on the poor thing rather on having it as a support.
    I keep a blog myself, where i sarcasticly and describe my adventures. Do drop by it – its in norwegian thou….

  4. Yusuf

    I have always played alliance, mostly because there are more alliance players, so easier to find groups. Most of characters are gnomes. I decided I liked the look of small gnomes bringing down big monsters.

    I guess I could loan you my gnome warlock to kill Ony, but don’t let blizzard here about it.
    This is all for the sake of research, right?

  5. Vincent

    For Horde we don’t have such a problem.

    @Mindoro: yes I myself find the hatred extremely amusing. What is the cause of this hatred? Because in the story Horde and Alliance are enemies, players volunteerly comply to that setting? Or because they can’t communicate with each other? Or because they stand for different value (the Alliance represents ease of gameplay, apparent righteousness, and close resemblance to actual human; whereas the Hordes are the underdogs, apparent evil, and more fantasy style character)? Or maybe that Paladin is arguably the most disgusting class 😀 ?

    And why all the 4 posters including the author all seemingly chose the Alliance? coincidence?

  6. gangsta

    ya…is she a warlock?
    u should really try to level her because i enjoy mine SOO much already
    and shes only lvl 16….they own preety dang baf in PvP…i mean i own in pvp and like i said im only 16 so try her out and i reccomend demonology in your talents for felguard:)

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