NSB has one of those pay-more-than-it-costs-to-make-an-intercontinental-call phone numbers for buying their train tickets! OK, they probably use the money to cut waiting time to a minimum, I generously assumed, but no, the estimated waiting time is 16 minutes, and when I press the speakerphone button, horrible music flows from my telephone.

Scandinavian Airlines, on the other hand, offers to ring you back if they can’t instantly answer the phone.

And they wonder why people don’t travel by train anymore.

(Yes, I know they want me to use their internet buying thing instead. But I don’t want to buy tickets, I want to check something about a booking that’s already made.)

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4 thoughts on “how not to sell train tickets

  1. Gro

    Hi Jill. Something is wrong with the pink areas on
    the right hand side. The pink covers the white and
    cut sentences. I have changed to your new adress, so
    i dont think it®s my machine. I just hate to write
    in english! feels like i®m around 12 years old in
    ability to express myself…

  2. Jill

    Is it fixed now? (Og du trenger jo ikke skrive p engelsk….)

  3. Gro

    Jepp, it’s fine! except that the pictures are covering
    this white area where i’m suppose to write. jeg skriver
    engelsk fordi det h¯ver seg slik hos deg. s det sÂ. drar
    til oslo i morgen, blir deilig med husmorferie!

  4. Asgeir

    Don’t kno wether it still worksm but I used to call their switcboard at 23150000 and ask to be patced through to the ticket office.

    At gulesider.no they even have a link to call you up, for free..

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