Yes, I’m home, but not quite at work yet. I’ve read, written, played, eaten, drunk, run, climbed, swum, slept, spoken a lot of French.
My hedge needs trimming, the rose bush needs tying up and there’s weeding to do. My lavender’s not dried out yet, though. The lavender fields in Provence were harvested the second week in June, and flowers that have been left uncut are dry and grey. My Northern lavender bushes are still a delicious blue.
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Second week of July?
Welcome back!
I missed you. 🙂
Welcome back!
I missed your voice.
If you don’t know it, Philippe Delerm’s 1996 novel “Sundborn ou les jours de lumiËre” is a nice French take on Scandinavia just to get the other view.
Welcome back Jill, are u going to teach at huminf this autum?
Hey! You’re there! Hi guys, I missed you too 🙂 Thanks for the novel suggestion Jon, I’ll look for it…
And yes, Christian, I’m teaching a combined MA and “mellomfag” course this autumn, Digital media esthetics – the MA version of the course isn’t up yet but I’ve started building the course website in the new Studentportal – it’s HUIN204 and will also be HUIN30something once it’s all sorted out properly.
Will I see you there?
Re: the lavender bushes–I used to grow lavender on my balcony and loved it when hummingbirds would come drink out of the flowers! Do you have hummingbirds in Norway? [probably a stupid question]
Welcome back! I loved your description of Provence.
I don’t think there are hummingbirds in Norway, more’s the pity. We deal in plainer colours here I’m afraid..
So glad you’re back!
My mornings haven’t been the same.
the rich jerk
Hi Interesting topic! Thank you for your information. Greetings from the one and only Rich Jerk.
Jeanne McDaniels
I am glad I came across your post. Thanks!