Cover of Hilde's new book

I’m really looking forwards to seeing my good friend and colleague Hilde Corneliussen‘s new book, Gender-Technology Relations: Exploring Stability and Change, which will be out on Palgrave on January 3. Hilde and I co-edited the World of Warcraft anthology together, and have worked and played together for almost three decades now. (No, we’re not that old, but we happened to play in the same youth orchestra as kids. She was a fine cellist!) Here’s the abstract of her new book:

Hilde G. Corneliussen explores developments in gender–technology relations from the 1980s to today. Through empirical material and theoretical discussions, the author addresses popular discourses surrounding the cultural appropriation of personal computers. She presents a study of computer students, following them through their first term at a programming course, and meets women who are fascinated, addicted and even in love with technology. Corneliussen tackles questions concerning the low proportion of women in computing, and explores how this has been dealt with in higher education. By providing insights into historical as well as more recent discussions of gender in relation to computers, this book opens up new perspectives for understanding men and women’s relations to technology.

You can download the first chapter if you’d like to have a look.

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1 Comment

  1. solaris

    grabbing this 4 sure: Gender-Technology Relations: Exploring Stability and Change – #gendertechnology #highereducation

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