Remember Daughters of Freya, the email mystery about a Californian sex cult I posted about a few months ago? They’re organising a group read, where people who sign up get the story for half price (so about $4) and all receive emails at the same time and get to discuss what’s happening with other readers. Might be fun. Starts August 1.

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2 thoughts on “group read of daughters of freya

  1. Nicole

    I read Freya a couple of months ago and loved it. It was more than a book, it was an experience. Readers are used to being in control, in the sense that you decide when you want to read the story. In this case you had to surrender control to the authors and wait for the next email to show up in your inbox – which really added to the suspense of a very good mystery. The very act of picking up a print book makes you aware that you’re an observer; with Freya the emails arrive directly in your inbox and this removes that distance and makes the characters in the book seem much more real.

  2. Phaedra

    Just FYI, Unfiction has set up a forum for discussion during the group read.

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