An email yesterday announced an interesting new blog, run by Michael Mateas, Nick Montfort, Stuart
Moulthrop, Andrew Stern and Noah Wardrip-Fruin:
In the introductory post Andrew writes:
For me this will be a chance to have a focused public discussion about where things are going with digital fiction, and some ways to get there. By digital fiction, I *don?t* necessarily mean what one might call stories, or games. More generally, I mean deeply interactive experiences involving characters, situations, and conflict, in whatever new forms these experiences may take.
So far Noah’s posted some reflections on the recent eNarrative 5 meeting, and Nick’s written about whether or not interactive works must constrain the interactor. Nick and Noah will both be at Digital Arts and Culture (Torill‘s en route, Lisbeth, Susana and I are flying down together on Thursday, Grumpygirl‘s hoping to convince her employer to give her some time off so she can attend presentations, and I imagine other bloggers will also be there?) so I’m hoping they’ll do some blogging from the conference when they get there!
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