8 thoughts on “geekdom

  1. Eirik

    Jill, you have earned yourself the coveted title of “web geek”. Head over to Thinkgeek.com and get yourself a T-shirt this very moment! After having outed yourself as the local MT expert, I think you’ll find http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/frustrations/388b/ especially helpful. Spring is here too, BTW. Just the thing I need today, what with several broken deadlines and two apartments in a total state of chaos…

  2. Elin

    …but what did you do? Did you install movable type for them?

  3. tormodh

    Heh. I’m wearing that t-shirt right now. Put it on yesterday eve, after my daughter tried to eat the shoulder off of my then resident, blue, one.

    I guess Peppes just served as a “PayPal” substitute; being the one to do the transaction between ‘client’ and ‘geek’.

  4. Jill

    I trouble-shooted and fixed a not-quite-functional installation of MoveableType for Thomas, and I’ll be linking to his blog once he gives me the OK – I’m not sure if it’s quite official yet?

  5. alan mccallum

    I did a bit of paid work during the work too. I moved a modem from non-functioning network to a stand-alone machine and –eventually– got the family back online for emails. My network guru, and this network’s guru too, are currently in Yemen. Fee? A nice bowl of homemade soup.

  6. Jill

    I’d often take homemade soup over pizza actually 🙂

  7. Thomas

    N? kan du fortelle verden om bibliotekarens bibliotek. Bloggen funker, selv om jeg ikke helt har fÂtt taket p Trackback ennÂ. Vi fÂr ta en ny tur p Peppes.

  8. sinnabloggen!

    Datanerder og andre nerder
    Flere en meg er opptatt av dette med  vÊre eller ikke vÊre nerd. Mari ser p betegnelsen datanerd som

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