7 thoughts on “funeral

  1. Mum

    Was it that tough Jill?

  2. vika

    I’ll think of you all day.

  3. Jill

    As my daughter and I were walking home from the coffee and cakes for parents and kids at school, after the funeral, she said, “Mummy, that was a good day.” It was. So many people loved them. May they rest in peace.

  4. jen

    To celebrate life and mourn death together is a good thing, sad but good in the true sense of the owrd. Your daughter is wise!

  5. Scott

    I’m glad to hear that she took it so well. Closure can be a good thing.

  6. Andy

    Closure is the best thing. It is great to hear that your daughter thought that it was “a good day.”

  7. Jill

    Look, in the paper: a photo of my girl’s class singing for their classmate.

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