Amnesty Norway is campaigning for activists who’ve been imprisoned and tortured for what they’ve written on the internet. I’m all for their campaign, but as a scholar of social media I’m particularly impressed with how well Amnesty is working to encourage supporters to use social media in the campaign.
They have a website, of course, and have assigned the campaign a specific day – today. Then there’s a blog post listing twelve ways we can help, from sending everyone you know an email (they suggest its wording), through posting a note to Twitter or your Facebook profile (“support persecuted net activists:”), using for a day and finding out what it won’t show you, comment other peoples’ blog posts about freedom of speech, go to the central square of one of Norway’s biggest cities and join in the appeals, write down what freedom of speech means to you on a piece of paper, take a photo of yourself holding the paper and mail it to them and they’ll blog it, say nothing for a whole day, ask your employer to add the banner to their website for the day, read their guide with more ideas, leave a comment to the blog post with more ideas. This is great for people who want to do something and aren’t quite sure what!
So far there don’t seem to be too many blog posts about the campaign, despite all this great work from Amnesty. I’m going to be searching them out though, and trying to leave comments. So might you.
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Mad Mullah Hastur
I’ll be posting something later tonight. It’s an important campaign, and I hope it’s successful. Freedom of speech is too important to leave unguarded.
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