Here’s an annotated bibliography on internet addiction with half real entries and half fakes. It was prepared by Trudi Jacobsen and Laura Cohen to teach students how to evaluate the reliability of online sources and comes with a description of how they work with it in class. Could come in handy.

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3 thoughts on “evaluating online sources

  1. chuck

    Thanks for the annotated bibliography! I’ve struggled with some of these questions in my freshman composition courses at Georgia Tech, and this material looks like a useful way of encouraging my students to actually step foot in that musty old library.

  2. Dennis G. Jerz

    Oh, no! If more bloggers find out about this great resource and link to it, then students are less likely to be fooled by it! I ask my freshman comp students to research “internet addiction” every semester, and the Virginia Tech student paper (by Ferris) and Young’s rather brazen self-promotion on netaddiction make for good class discussions. Another good example is here:

  3. Jill

    Ah, that’s an even sneakier way of setting it up, just asking them to research it and hey presto, they’ll find the fake/real bibliography.. It’s almost like one of those unfiction things where everything and anything could be part of the fiction/game you’re playing/experiencing…

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