We recently had great news: we’ve received nearly a million euros to fund a large, European project exploring creativity in the field of electronic literature. The project is led by Scott Rettberg and involves researchers from a total of seven universities in Norway, the UK, Sweden, Slovenia, Finland and the Netherlands. I’ll be participating as a researcher here in Bergen, working with Scott, a soon-to-be-hired post.doc. and a technician. There was an article about the project in the UiB newsletter yesterday, and our research assistant Elisabeth Nesheim has made a wonderfully clear presentation of the project:

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4 thoughts on “ELMCIP: european project on electronic literature and creativity

  1. Gro

    Congratulations to Scott! He’s done A heck of a job!

  2. Anonymous

    Hello Jill, I am Juan Jose Diez, director of Portal de Literatura Electronica Hispanica
    of the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes(http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/portal/literaturaelectronica/)and the blog Literatura Electronica
    (http://webliter.blogspot.com/). As you can see, the E-lit presence of the hispanic
    world is notorius (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literatura_electronica_hispanica.How)
    can Spain participate in ELMCIP? Best regards. Juan JosÈ


    PD. I am going to follow you in Twitter. My email is: jujodiru@terra.es

  3. Jill Walker Rettberg

    Juan, the best thing to do is to get in contact with the Project Leader, Scott Rettberg, at scott.rettberg@uib.no (and on twitter: http://twitter.com/scottrettberg) – that’s great that you’re interested in participating 🙂

  4. Juan Jose Diez

    Dear Jill and Scott,the above email gives me error “mail delivery system”. I will follow the procedure of ELMCIP with French and German colleagues when the time comes. My best
    wishes to you and Jill. That baby sure to be a Shakespeare or the digital Messiah
    we all hope.
    Juan JosÈ DÌez

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