Have you seen the Technique group at Flickr? It’s full of simple tutorials and ideas for doing slightly different things with your photos, ranging from the complicated to the easy. The tip on using the timer on your camera to avoid shaky hands in low light was such fun that I took about twenty photos today, never quite capturing the moon I was aiming at but enjoying myself hugely. My new ambition is to fill my calendar. I’m going to post at least one photo every single day. You might not see all of them, because some will be private, but I’ll have a visual diary and a daily practice.

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3 thoughts on “daily photos

  1. Eivind

    The technique link above links to the Cutouts group, and not the Techniques group 🙂

    And weee – what a great tip! Thanks a lot for passing it on, I already love it after trying it out with a few images. It works very, very well!

  2. Jill

    Oh! Well, the cutouts group’s kind of cool too. Thanks for giving us the right link 🙂

  3. Bru

    Excellent Idea! I’ll steal that 😀

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