Dagbladet (the more cultural of Norway’s two major tabloids) has started up a newspaper weblog. Jon writes about it, I haven’t time to look at it now (coat, lock door, get bike, fetch book from library, daughter from after-school care, dinner, bath, story, lullaby, thesis) but must say that a photographer from Dagbladet came and photographed me today and a journalist has been asking questions and there’ll be a piece on weblogs and web diaries soon. The weekend, maybe, the journalist said. I get to play the part of the serious researcher (forgot to put on my fake beard-and-spectacles) and others get to be the self-revealing tell-it-all-on-the-web sell-the-story characters.
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If U can’t fight them…….join them.
Among my ancestral people, “dag blad it!” would be a recognizable exclamation of annoyance. It’s probably different in Norway, though.
They should change name to Dagblogg or Dagblogget, hehe
Min tur til  kommentere Bloggbladet
Det er beh¯rig omtalt allerede av Jill x 2, JonBlogg (som jeg ikke fÂr permapekeren til  funke hos) og