After my last post about visualizations of personal data, Guttorm Hveem suggested trying Memolane, a service that gathers all your social media feeds into a scrapbook that you can either keep private or make public. So of course I signed up and connected up a dozen of the services I use (a few weren’t there, but many were) and here you go: my last few days in social media:
As you can see, I’ve not really been very active online over the last few days – I’ve been enjoying my Easter break mostly offline. And the social media I’ve used, like Endomondo and Path, aren’t among the ones Memolane can hook up to. Neither does it show phone calls and text messages, as Evertale does, though future Facebook events I’ve said I’ll attend are up there.
Memolane found all my old Tweets, and that in itself is wonderful – in some ways, services like this let us reclaim the scattered info we spread on all these (commercial, out-of-our-control) sites. Ironically, my old blog posts don’t show up, because the RSS feed only goes back so far.
Of course, Memolane itself is, I assume, commercial and out-of-our-control. And as always, I’m a little leary about connecting all these services, although Memolane does let me mark individual feeds as private, public or friends-only. And yet I sign up anyway because I love seeing how all these things work. Here’s a prettier screenshot, from a week where I was using Foursquare more and taking more photos.
Are there other scrapbooks that merge social media feeds like this?
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This was fun.
Darn it 🙂
Tormod Haugen
Not sure if it is what you are looking for, but http://thinkupapp.com/ is a social media management thing-y that fetches your data from Facebook, Twitter and Google+, letting you analyze, search through and export.
Have a look if you haven’t, it is probably relevant for someone that is more into social media than just consuming it.
Timelining My Way Down Memolane - CogDogBlog
[…] morning I came across Jill Walker’s blog post mentioning memolane as a new “scrapbook” type tool (jill/txt is one of the earliest blogs I recall coming across when I started in ed tech, she has […]
Tormod, I really like that thinkupapp.com is a tool you can download and install on your own server – almost everything interesting these days is in the cloud, which gives THEM control over your data, and I am happy to see some packages that actually let you keep your own data and make the connections yourself. Thanks! I’ll install it one of these days soon… (Just need the time!)