Extremely frequent visitors may have noticed that link-packed comments advertising various drugs keep popping up and disappearing here. They’re always comments to posts that have a lot of links pointing to them and thereby a high Google PageRank, which is obviously what the spammer wants to get in on –
links from a site with high PageRank give the linked-to site some of that PageRank. I’ve been deleting them as fast as they arrive (or as fast as I see them) and banning the IP-numbers they were sent from but these – or this – spammer is annoyingly persistent, is obviously on dialup and so has zillions of IP numbers, and it’s really boring deleting spam all the time. Fortunately
Liz links to
a solution to all this that lets you blacklist certain URLs, which are then never displayed in comments, though other, benign, URLs are shown. Unfortunately this solution involves three plugins, tweaking, and slower rebuilds and comment processing. Maybe I’ll just keep deleting, for now.
If linklove describes linking to lovingly spread the goodness of one’s PageRank, and linkslutting is doing anything to get other people to link to you, what is this? Linkcoercion? Attempted linktheft? I’m not going to call it linkrape. It sure ain’t rape if you can delete it and its consequences completely.
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I think linktheft is the perfect term.
Maris blogg
Ikke nok med at jeg fÂr sinnsykt mye dritt p mailen min.. N har noen begynt  legge inn dritt
Legends of the Sun Pig
Bayesian filter for blog comments
I don’t get much comments spam myself right now (maybe a message a week or so), but the problem is definitely getting