I’ve been looking at Chinese blogs (1, 2, 3) and wondering whether they would look as utterly bloggish if they weren’t using western blogging tools and their templates. Often the timestamps and other paratexts are in English, anyway.

Still, it’s fascinating just looking. Do you know of a Chinese blog that has no English in it? And there must be ways of writing dates and times in Chinese without using arabic numerals (1 2 3), surely? (Joanna?)

Off to ISEA tomorrow and still working on that presentation on timestamps

1 Comment

  1. Joanna

    yes, there’s a way to write the date and time in Chinese. But we use arabic numbers a lot. It’s hard to find anyone else who use pure chinese nowadays.

    it’s right that it should have a chinese blogging tool format that fits in chinese text and it might possibly look better than chinese text that fits in western blogging tool/templates. as the leading and words spacing of chinese is different than english. it’s hard to make chinese word look good and clear on the web as each chinese character has so many strokes to form a character – the leading between each line, spacing between each word. example no 1 is simplied chinese (less strokes).

    and this example is written in traditional chinese (more strokes). we use traditional chinese in hong kong and mainland china people use simplified chinese.
    one seek means “wun sek” in cantonese and it means look for food.

    http://www.gweilodiaries.com/ – this guy is an exapt who lives in hk.

    the blog in hong kong are mostly written n english and most of the bloggers are expatriate living here.

    these are blog in china – http://www.blogchina.com/

    today, i read a lifestyle magazine and they talked about blogsphere hahha, it’s a coincident.:)

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