Last week a ring on the doorbell brought a parcel full of – six copies of Blogging! My book is out! And leafing through it I found that I still really like it – don’t you love that feeling when you reread something you wrote and you’re actually happy with it?
To celebrate, I’m giving one of my author copies to one of you readers – leave a comment on this post, and I’ll use a random number generator to select one of the commenters to send a book to. Make sure you leave an email address so I can contact you for your snail mail address!
Here’s the book description at Polity Press. You can order it now from or other European bookshops, but it’s still on its way to the US – apparently it takes 48 days for a shipment of books to get there. Eager Americans can order books from and have them sent by airmail.
Oh, and happily, you can leaf through its pages over at Hooray!
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Bj¯rge Solli
Yay! Congrats! I’d love a copy.
Blog tools are great. On the LATINA summer course at HiO we now use WordPress as a platform (Content Management System) – works very well (see website).
Tore Vesterby
Great news Jill. Looking forward to having a read. 16 is my lucky number by the way 😉
The book sounds very interesting. I’m still trying to encourage blogging in my students, but perhaps this will give me some more ideas on how to pitch it to them.
Olivier TrÈdan
Thank’s for your comment. I will order and read your book as soon as possible. And maybe I will leave you my opinion on it.
This is one book I have been waiting for… delighted to see it’s out in time for summer reading.
Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing and reading! Jumping over to Amazon UK this minute. Two babies in one year, you are really working hard:-)
I’m always in the market for another book, so here I am. Congratulations on the publication!
Congratulations – sounds like a book I HAVE to read 🙂
James LaMee
Love the Warcraft Reader this should be a great read too! I am a long time reader of your blog.
I’m eager to read this, there seems to be so many different views on blogging. The one says it¥s polluting the public debate, the other that blogging is the “power back to the people”, and the more specified debates brings more specified views. I’m looking forward to read yours.
Congratulations on getting the book out!
I suppose a “good on ya” in a heavy Australian accent would not influence the “random number generator ” as I bet ya it’s gonna be a bonza read.
Congrats on the book. Hopefully I can acquire a copy to think about using for the fall.
Emma Pooka
I’m just starting a Ph.D. in Blog Fiction (registering this week, actually), so this is pretty timely! Looking forward especially to the section on blogging narratives.
David Hayden
Hi Jill,
Congratulations! I’ve been waiting for this book for months I hope I win one lol
Michael Faris
Congrats! Looks like a good read. It’s on my wishlist now. 😉
Congrats … would love to read on-line …
Congratulations! Looks nice. If I win the book, I promise to donate it to the library 🙂
Great to see your excellent book finally hitting eyeballs out there in the world! 🙂 This semester a few of my digital media students have tried their hand at “explaining” blogging with some amusing results I thought you might enjoy: and
(Oh, and I’m just saying congratulations: I’m sure I’ll end up reviewing your book somewhere, so I don’t want to deprive any of your other commentors of one of your precious author copies! 🙂
Tama Leaver dot Net » Blog Archive » Blogging (the book) by Jill Walker Rettberg
[…] I‚Äôm delighted to see that Jill Walker Rettberg‚Äôs book Blogging has just been released. I had the pleasure of reading much of this book in draft form last year while Jill was a guest researcher here in Communication Studies here at UWA, and on the basis of what I read I‚Äôm confident this book will be extremely well received. Jill‚Äôs work is neither a simple how-to guide (of which there are many), nor is it a book on blogging which presumes readers are already blogosphere aficionados. Rather, Jill has managed to write an engaging and critical book which situates blogging within broader histories – such as the role of blogging in terms of literacy, the evolution of citizen journalism, blogs and/as social networks, and even ethical frameworks which examine advertising and authenticity in blogs. More to the point, for someone new to blogs as an idea, or in practice, Blogging offers a world of insight and experience distilled into a readable and engaging form. […]
Jill Walker Rettberg
Thanks everyone! I’m going to leave the contest open until tomorrow morning, just because I love seeing the comments coming in 🙂
Emma Pooka, I want to hear more about your PhD in blog fiction – and there’s nothing about it on your website! I hope you post about it soon!
Tama, my only disappointment with the nature documentaries is that I would have liked more blood. really not graphic enough!
A-C Palmgren
Congratulations! Can’t wait to read the book, have been waiting for it for a long time now 🙂
Espen Olsen
Would love this book myself 🙂
Congratulations!! Prolific year!
I hope I’m not too late to win the book! 🙂
Hi Jill, I’m so pleased to see that all your copies have arrived and that you are happy with them! My copy is winging its way across the Atlantic right now and I can’t wait to see it. Many congratulations at this exciting stage. Andrea
Congrats! Is it out in any book stores in Bergen yet?
I’m probably too late, but I’ll leave a comment anyway. I can’t wait to read the book! And, while I’m thinking about it, this is a great way for me to promote *my* book when it comes out next March.
Jill Walker Rettberg
And the lucky winner is…… CATHY, of the blog , who left comment number 6. Cathy, I’ve emailed you to ask for your snail mail address!
Thanks for all the great comments, everyone – it’s wonderful to know you guys want to read the book! And I’m glad this little giveaway experiment thing works 🙂
Chuck, the how-to-launch-books-on-your-blog question is certainly an interesting one to me right now… And Andrea, my wonderful editor, hello! And yes, I *love* the book!
The Chutry Experiment » Wednesday Links
[…] Second, I wanted to mention that Jill Walker’s book on blogging is out. Readers in the UK can pick up the book via Amazon, but US readers will apparently have to wait a few more weeks. I’ve been reading Jill’s blog for years and can’t wait to read the book. […]
Yay! Thanks Jill, I’m looking forward to reading it 🙂
Hey, congrats!
Off surfing (I wished) « Bente Kalsnes’ blog
[…] I’m also reading Jill Walker Rettberg’s “Blogging” and Charlie Beckett’s “Supermedia” this summer (what happened to my fiction reading?) […]
Misund: Bare Thomas » Bloggerdagen 2008 - program
[…] Jill Walker Rettberg oppsummerer den siste boka si. […]
A little late, due to summer hiatus, but nonetheless congratulations! Looking forward to reading it 😀
RogÈrio Santos
Congratulations for your book.
It seems a good book on blogs. I expect to begin to read it next week, because I need to prepare as soon as possible a text about weblogs and your book sounds good for my task.
I’ve bought the book in a bookshop in Amsterdam, last Saturday!
Rogerio Santos (Lisbon, Portugal)
I’m just about to write my bachelor’s thesis on blogging, hopefully, and… I just ordered your book – very excited about it, and very impatient for it to get here… 🙂