Today the students and I have played around with visualizations in Google Fusion and Manyeyes. Scott has exported data from the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base, so we’ve been making pie charts and timelines and maps and so forth. Here are the […]
Students with at least 60 ECTS in Digital Culture at UiB can apply for this NORDPLUS course in Finland Aug 20-24 this year – you get a paid trip, fun and stimulating discussions and 15 ECTS for it. Our course code for […]
This semester just properly started with our program’s orientation meeting today. It’s great to see so many new and familiar faces! I’m teaching a new to me course this semester: DIKULT251: Critical Perspectives on Technology and Society with Bachelor Thesis, and I’ve […]
I have the unusual luxury of two whole weeks at the office before teaching begins and while I do have quite a few other things to do, I’m happy to have time to really think about how I want to teach this […]
[updated after class] I taught a two hour lab on BASIC for our DIKULT104: Computing Technology: History, Theory and Practice students today. This was the first time I’ve taught BASIC, but I’m thrilled to get the chance. I have nostalgic memories of […]
Dette er et opplegg jeg skal bruke for å innarbeide grunnleggende hypertekstbegreper og introdusere tekstlesning av ikkelineære tekster. Det er beregnet til å brukes i store studentgrupper uten datamaskiner og uten mye forhåndskunnskap om hypertekstteori, og jeg regner med at det vil […]
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