This is my original Norwegian draft of an essay published in the Danish foreign policy magazine Udenrigs today as part of a special issue on AI and foreign policy. I argue that AI is influencing the way we tell stories, and more […]
This spring when I was learning R, I came across a paper by Anders Kristian Munk, Asger Gehrt Olesen and Mathieu Jacomy about using machine learning in anthropology – not to classify big data, as machine learning is often used, but to […]
I’ve given a few more versions of the “algorithms and society” talks from this spring. You can still see the videos of those talks, but here are a few links to new material I’ve woven into them: Social credit in China – […]
[English summary: info about two recent talks I gave about algorithmic bias in society] Algoritmer, stordata og maskinlæring får mer og mer å si for samfunnet vårt, og brukes snart i alle samfunnsområder: i skolen, rettsstaten, politiet, helsevesenet og mer. Vi trenger […]