The creator of WordPress smiles al the time and speaks in a calm, friendly voice. He’s using quotes from jazz musicians on the screen (nicely captured by Kathleen) and then spins off connecting them to developing software with new quotable aphorisms – or clichÈes, I’ve no idea whether they’re his or adopted, but the style is fascinating. Here are some of his lines:
- Every project needs a tagline. If you can’t express what you want to do in ten words or less, you need to simplify it.
- Everyone wants their fifteen pixels of fame.
- In almost every project, the features you don’t have are far more important than what you do. And they usually define you more.
- If you’re not working on somehting you’re passionate about, why not? It’s so cheap and easy to start things on the web that you’ve no excuse not to. And you’ll probably be supporting yourself on it in a year or so.
- Where do you want to be ten, twenty, thirty years from now? Write it down.
This is degenerating into a general motivational speech. People in the backchannel seem to like it.
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