So I want some blogs to recommend to my students but man, all the blogs I read are by 35 year old women who are often academics and who like gadgets and new media and books and who really probably don’t have that much in common with my mostly 19-26 year old students.

Any ideas?

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7 thoughts on “blogs for students

  1. Lisbeth Klastrup

    Jill, the Danish tv2 (tv station) blog site is great in one way, namely in that they allow you to search blogs by age, so you can look up all blogs written by people in the age-range you’re looking for (0-15, 16-21, 22-28). I think your students can read Danish, huh? 😉

  2. Karin

    There’s alwaysCamilla’s and Pia’s blogs; they’re the “right” age, in the “right” field of studies, and they’re in Hong Kong now, which might add some extra interest to it.

  3. dave

    You can try CollegeV2 as a blog about college life, if that site isn’t what you are looking for the blogroll their might point you in the right direction.

  4. Pablo

    I recommend my blog, it deals with growing up, drug dabbling, metaphysics, confusion, travel, coincidences, dealing with being in a band, getting a bad haircut, and funny life events. Its not a very popular blog, but i put some effort into it, if you go back through the entries in the archives you will find a kerouac inspired travelog of my journeys in mexico.

    Here are some recommended entries :

    Beginning of Mexico Story

    Continuation with Photos

    On life being over after a bad haircut

    On confusion and belief

    On weekends

    anyway theres lots of stuff there!

  5. Svenn

    I’m not sure about “having much in common” with the students, but for a special
    blog check out “Random acts of reality. Trying to kill as few people as possible”.

  6. Matthew

    The Webby Awards’ nominations and winners include blogs in the category of business followed by culture/personal and political.

    A hugely popular TV show these days is Grey’s Anatomy. There is a blog called Grey’s Anatomy Insider which contains miscellaneous news and information about the show.

    Then there is Grey Matter, Grey’s Anatomy writers’ blog where the writers explain things and vent their thoughts.

  7. Geoff Cain

    You could consider having them find bloggers with similar interests to themselves by using a social blog like livejournal or myspace.

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