3 thoughts on “blog stats

  1. Eiriks forfatterblogg

    Interessante bloggertall
    Blogging is Booming er tittelen p en interessant oppsummering av forskningen som er gjort p bloggere og blogglesere i det…

  2. Kick & Scream

    The other type of comment spam
    Via Jill Walker, I came across this article about blogging and advertising. I found it interesting because while I’ve read about surveys of bloggers, I haven’t before come across any such study of blog readers:Pew study, fielded a year ago,…

  3. Kick & Scream

    The other type of comment spam
    Via Jill Walker, I came across this article about blogging and advertising. I found it interesting because while I’ve read about surveys of bloggers, I haven’t before come across any such study of blog readers:Pew study, fielded a year ago,…

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