Yes, Jarle, I agree absolutely, Humanistic Informatics should have a portal to our blogs, like they do at Harvard. We’ve talked about it. Soon we might start working on it too!

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4 thoughts on “blog portal

  1. Christian

    And we have to trick even more people to start blogging. Even students and teachers outside huminf. Via RDF U could subscibe for the philosphy channel or the linguistic channel and be up to date on what kind of work going on in those sections. Great for people inside UIB and great for people interessting in the work at UIB.

    Jill is the messias!! hehe 🙂

  2. Jill

    One of my plans for the summer (apart from a holiday) is to learn about aggregation and RDF and all that stuff. Perhaps I’ll be able to put something together by next semester? Or perhaps there are some students who’d like some study credits for building something like this, ah, there’s an idea 🙂

  3. Christian

    Count me in. 🙂

  4. [ S K A I H I G H ]

    using FOAF…… Idea
    This is interesting. I donĂ­t much about search engines, but I know that it is a problem to find the

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