Yikes. Our local newspaper has video taped everyone who participated in Stoltzekleiven opp, a race where crazy Bergeners run up a local mountain. You can type in someone’s name, and if they participated, you see their start number and their finishing time – and you can click to see that person in the video. I typed in a few names of people I thought might have participated, and sure enough, found Ole Jacob there. Go Ole Jacob!
But it’s kind of bizarre, right? Do they do this with marathons and such? Do competitors like being metatagged with this kind of detail?
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Anne Helmond
It sounds creepy indeed but runners have been tagged for a while with the Champion Chips that are used for most marathons and running competitions. If you own a personal Champion Chip you are automatically added to their worldwide database. Of course you can also use Single Use Champion Chips (more info: http://www.championchip.com/chips/). It reminds me of the Dutch new public transportation rfid chipcard where you can also buy (anonymous) single rides or a (database central) personal card.
Hi Jill, I too find it strange that they do this. Taking pictures of any of the participants for a coverage story in any media is probably legal, but this is borderline to a full database. In my opinion this is illegal, but then again, I’m not a lawyer. Maybe we should ask datatilsynet?
Jill Walker Rettberg
Good point, Bjørge – I have no idea, but unless the competitors signed something when they entered the race agreeing to this it’d probably illegal.
Matt Whyndham
Speaking as an occasional runner, yes we love that sort of thing.
Bj??rges hj??rne » Blog Archive » stoltzekleiven og bilder på nett
[…] Jeg skulle som i fjor gjøre et tappert forsøk på å bestige Sandviksfjellet opp Stoltzekleiven, men ble skadet i siste øyeblikk og måtte stå over. Det skal nok Varegg være like glad over for jeg hadde ikke likt å finne et bilde av meg selv på nettet i etterkant. Jill W.R. stusset også litt på dette og jeg tok faktisk kontakt med Datatilsynet for å høre om regelverket rundt dette. […]