
The author has 279 posts

What if the web is almost over?

Nearly ten thousand researchers and no doubt thousands more students have quoted danah boyd and Nicole Ellison’s 2007 definition of social media: We define social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within […]

social media

Researchers on Snapchat

I’ve been posting research stories on Snapchat most weekdays this month, and I’m really enjoying it. I know it doesn’t fit with the ephemerality of Snapchat, but I’ve been saving the stories and posting them on YouTube in a special playlist so […]

What kinds of narrative are Snapchat stories?

I’ve been watching lots of Snapchat stories and thinking about the narrative techniques they use – I think I need to write a paper about that. So today’s Snapchat Research Story is about Snapchat and narrative. This story is over three minutes […]

social media

How Can Scholars Use Snapchat Stories?

Snapchat has changed since the last time I tried it. You know, back in 2011 when I was simply too old for it. Now Snapchat has stories and has become a channel for everything: as expected it’s excellent for silly selfies and personal […]

Teaching drone vision

This semester I’m teaching a graduate seminar in digital media aesthetics on machine vision, and in today’s class we discussed drone art, using Dziga Vertov’s manifesto from 1923 (“I am kino-eye, I am a mechanical eye. I, a machine, show you the […]

Representation or Presentation?

I recently finished writing a chapter for The Sage Handbook of Social Media, which is being edited by Jean Burgess, Alice Marwick and Thomas Poell. My chapter is about self-representations in social media, like blogs and selfies and such, but in the table […]

Vi trenger humanister for å forstå vårt digitale samfunn

[This is a five minute talk I am giving today at a conference gathering opinions and knowledge for the upcoming Norwegian parliamentary report on the humanities.] Innlegg på innspillskonferansen til Stortingsmeldingen om humaniora, 15. januar 2016. Konferansen streames og arkiveres. Vi trenger humanister som kan se […]