I hope the plan to store the DNA of people who might be terrorists is an April fool’s joke. As, fortunately, was Deena’s email:

The US government has declared a new security procedure and has directed US citizens to send all academic papers for review to ensuresecurity@us.sec.gov before getting permission to print. Review is supposed to take about two weeks to one month.

The worry is these proposals aren’t that much more horrendous than real life.

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2 thoughts on “April fool!

  1. g.h.w

    In other news, the Bush administration has decided to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq, saying the whole thing was one big misake.

    “What can I say?” said White House spokesman Ari Fleischer. “When you’re wrong, you’re wrong.”

  2. Jill

    Some of em you wish were true, huh? Ha.

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