Hey, Kristine J¯rgensen, Bergen girl who studied at my university (though at Infomedia not our department) and is now finishing her PhD in game studies in Copenhagen, is Microsoft Norway’s new xbox gaming lifestyle specialist! Congratulations, Kristine!

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5 thoughts on “and my students say games won’t get em jobs?

  1. Stephanie

    LOVE the heading! My ex said the same thing about blogging… makes me smile every time I think about it 😛

  2. torill

    Actually, my parents said the same about reading. Go figure.

  3. Jill

    Ha! 🙂

  4. Kristine

    Thanks Jill 🙂

    It’s just 3 months though, so it’s a perfect pastime while I wait to defend my PhD.

  5. Jill

    Sounds ideal – I mean, it allows you to dip your toes into corporate research – should be interesting seeing whether you prefer Microsoft or universities!

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