Mark Merino over at Writer Response Theory posts a fabulous table matching up a work of electronic literature to each popular web 2.0 tool. I’ve stolen the whole thing, it’s so useful – I hope Mark doesn’t mind (yell at me if you do, Mark!). Mark suggests using these creative works of fiction and poetry to enrich a course where students learn about social technologies and web 2.0: “You wouldnít think of teaching writing without some examples of powerful rhetoric or inspirational works of literary mastery. At the very least, youíd expect students to be aware of some of the poetic, evocative, and creative potential of language. So why teach a course in Web 2.0 tools without some examples that push the boundaries of functional literacy with these tools?”

Have any of you experience with using creative works like these in teaching web 2.0 and the like?

Tool Elit Work
RSS Feeds: J.R. Carpenter, Tributaries and Text-Fed Streams
Blogs: Rob Wittig, and Toby Litt, Slice
Social Annotation, Social Bookmarking: Diigo: Mark C. Marino, Marginalia in the Library of Babel
Facebook: Kate Armstrong, “Why Some Dolls are Bad
Wiki: multi-authored, Los Wikiless Timespedia, A Million Little Penguins
Twitter: Jay Bushman, The Good Captain.
Page Aggregator: Netvibes Kate Pullinger and Chris Joseph, “Flight Paths
Online Maps: Google Maps Charles Cummings, 21 Steps
Web 2.0: Wikipedia,, Facebook,
email, and more….
Serge Bouchardon, “The 12 Labors of the Internet User

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6 thoughts on “a work of electronic literature for each web 2.0 tool

  1. mez

    hi jill,

    just as you’ve reposted mark’s table, i’ll repost my comment on it here as well:0)

    elit 2.0 from my own stable:


    1. s[p]erver[se]_: 404 poetry_ [2007]
    [also in:

    2. [started today] New Media Scotlandís new Twitterist-in-residence [2008]

    3. _Poetic Game Interventions [V.1]_ entitled _Twittermixed Litterature [2007]


    1. ][][ [since 2003]

    2. ______dis[ap]posable_ [2007]


    1. _Tag Platform Poetry_ [2007]
    [A Poetic/Social Network/ MMO/Visual Mashup where character screenshots of
    of World of Warcraft Characters are imported into the Facebook. The photos in the respective albums are then tagged with poetic descriptions in the areas normally reserved for traditional photo labelling. These description lines are then aggregated at the bottom of each album to create a type of cross-plaform tagged poetry.]


  2. Jill Walker Rettberg

    Thanks, Mez, these are great additions!

  3. Mark Marino

    Thanks for reposting this, Jill,

    J.R. Carpenter added this note to my Facebook version of this post:
    Yes, very useful – thanks. Another addition in the Online Maps category: “in absentia” – a new e.lit piece that uses the Google Maps API to “haunt” aerial photographs of the Mile End neighbourhood of Montreal with the stories of former tenants (fictional or otherwise) who have been forced out by gentrification and its erasures:

    Best to the family,

  4. Jill Walker Rettberg

    Thanks, Mark! I suggest people interested in this go on over to Mark’s original post, as that’s where the most up-to-date version and addendums will be.

  5. S¯ren Pold

    Interesting development! Perhaps also look at this ‘exhibition’ of creative mis-use of web2.0 services – initiated by Geoff Cox:
    Antisocial Notworking:

  6. […] Meanwhile Jill Walker at¬†jilltxt¬†¬†posted about Mark Merino’s ¬†on¬†Elit 2.0 (a guide to literary works on social software)¬†¬†at¬†Writer Response Theory¬†which is a¬†table matching up works of electronic literature to popular web 2.0 tools. with the suggestion¬†of “using these creative works of fiction and poetry to enrich a course where students learn about social technologies and web 2.0″. […]

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