I’m very bored by the blog transfer thing, I’m afraid. So I still haven’t managed to export my old blog posts in a format that my new blog will accept. I should probably incrementally upgrade my old WordPress 2 install to the current version, but oh, how dull.

In happier news, I spent last week in Scotland with the UiB Electronic Literature Research Group writing grant applications and reading each others’ work-in-progress. It was extremely productive – now we just have to revise our drafts and send them all in.

The UiB Electronic Literature Research Group 2011
After several days' hard core grant writing, the Electronic Literature Research Group relaxes outside of our Scottish near-castle. From left to right: Patricia Tomaszek, Jill Walker Rettberg, Eric Rasmussen, Scott Rettberg, Davin Heckman. Rob Wittig was taking a celebratory walk at the time.

On returning home and realizing how cool this photo was, we decided to give up our academic careers and focus instead on our musical interests. With graphical help from Talan Memmott, we are proud to present our new album:

Album to be released in 2012.

As for the old blog posts. Well, the oldest ones are here, I just have to insert the links into the template. My <a href=”http://jilltxt.net”>publications are still here</a>. And a lot of other stuff.

And one day before TOO long I promise I’ll figure out how to port things over. Sigh. (PS: If you are the sort of person who LIKES figuring stuff like that out, feel free to offer help…)


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