my breakfastI woke at the crack of dawn again, of course, purposefully staying jetlagged as I’m going back to Norway this afternoon, and after reading in bed for a while had a most delicious breakfast at the Soda Club, a candy-themed cafÈ right next to the Cosmopolitan Hotel where I’ve been staying. The breakfast was excellent (with salad! yay! and awesome hash browns) and reasonably priced ($10.55 + tips for a full breakfast with orange juice and coffee) and the hotel’s pretty good too, really, although I was sort of put off by the bed-under-the-ceiling thing when I arrived. It’s certainly situated very conveniently – I had a five minute walk to the conference, there are plenty of reasonably priced restaurants around, a place selling toothpaste and dozens of other things, a Starbucks, a breakfast place and a subway station right outside the door. And as reviewers on Tripadvisor said, the hotel room’s cleaned very well, and sure, the bed’s comfy too. Though next time I won’t get a mini-loft, I’d rather have a regular room. And there’s free wireless, that even has the email ports open so you don’t have to use webmail.

Now I’m off to do some last-minute shopping before flying home – Barnes and Noble on fifth street should be open by now. See ya!

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2 thoughts on “chatty because i’ve no-one to talk to but you, dear readers

  1. jeremy hunsinger

    Well, if i hadn’t been away, and wasn’t now waiting on a phone call about a possible job… I’d pop downtown and visit. Btw it is 5th avenue and 19th street for the good barnes and noble, which is actually not too far from the strand….

  2. Jill

    Hey, that would have been fun, Jeremy, though I would have forced you to come to many shops with me. 5th and 19th? Ugh, I tried two Borders and a Barnes and Noble and wasn’t too impressed with any of them. Made me sort of yearn for Amazon, actually, I was so unimpressed wtih tehir selection. Actually, I’ve gotta say, online shopping (or online window shopping for those of us without US billing addresses and on the other side of customs walls) sort of spoils you for Manhattan – presumably I just do a better job of finding my way around the internet than Manhattan. I did find a flower girl basket though, which they don’t sell in Norway (I think) so I’m happy 🙂

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