Month: March 2005


Last night I was reading danah boyd’s post about how some people log on to IM to mark presence, while others only log on when they want to chat, and how the cultural difference causes tension, especially since it’s entirely invisible to […]

jon stewart on blogs

Jon Stewart’s sequence on blogs from The Daily Show is hilarious.

family-awareness clock

I was quite surprised to see that Microsoft had come up with the idea of a “family-aware clock” with a hand for each member of the family that points at their location. See, I remember reading about that clock before – there’s […]

linguistic barrier

I want to be able to read this! “Hipertexto Cooperativo: Uma Analise da Escrita Coletiva a partir dos Blogs e da Wikipedia”. I mean, it’s a title I might have chosen myself! Darn.

whispering buds

The snow is thick on the ground but there are buds everywhere whispering (ssshh, listen) look, we’re here. Too soft to capture if your day’s too full, your autofocus too fast.

dangerous workplace?

A woman was raped last night, or sexually attacked, the police won’t quite say, in a bathroom downstairs from my office. At 7.15 pm. I’m often here that late. It’s sometimes occurred to me that the building is awfully quiet after five. […]

publish your life under a creative commons licence

For the month of March, two artists in a long-distance relationship are going to put all their electronic communication online. Phone conversations, emails, IMs, camera phone pics, the lot, it’ll all be online under a Creative Commons licence. IN Network, the performance […]

debate: will we be criminals?

This Thursday the students at Infomedia are arranging a debate about whether the new intellectual property laws in Norway will make us criminals. I’d go, but we’ve got a department seminar at Voss.

how not to sell train tickets

NSB has one of those pay-more-than-it-costs-to-make-an-intercontinental-call phone numbers for buying their train tickets! OK, they probably use the money to cut waiting time to a minimum, I generously assumed, but no, the estimated waiting time is 16 minutes, and when I press […]