Remember how Blogdex used to tell you which blogs you might like that you didn’t already link to, based on the blogs that you did link to? Well, Blogdex seems to have last been updated in 2004, and Technorati‘s completely taken over as the main blog portal, but they won’t tell me who I might like that I don’t already know about.

I mean, yes, of course I follow backlinks to bloggers who’ve linked here, well, when I have time, anyway. That’s often interesting. But I must be missing out on so much more.

And this morning I’m in much more of a “go explore the blogosphere” mood than I am in a “do the things on my to-do list” mood. It’s my research day after all.

To-do list here I come.

  • edit wireless memo
  • description for K.
  • ideas for H.
  • links for B.
  • work on wrapping up project E.
  • wash the stairs

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5 thoughts on “blogs i’d like that i don’t already know about

  1. Gustav

    Jag vet hur det k‰nns. Ett s‰tt ‰r att blogga forskningsprocessen, s kan man kombinera bloggandet och forskningsprocessen – jag har testat att nÂgra gÂnger skriva av mig p bloggen, och sen har det utvecklats till stycken i mitt forskningsskrivande.

  2. Jill

    Yes…that often works. Right now I just want summer holidays…. Ah well, don’t we all 😉

  3. Gustav

    Ooops – slipped into Swediscandinavian there.

    Summer – ahh, yes, the time without marking exams and going to meetings; a time for playing football with the kids reading and writing and swimming and fishing and barbequeing and traveling to relatives – how will I find the time? 🙂

  4. macloo

    I just found a good way to look for blogs you
    might like. In Bloglines, when you are already looking
    at a blog there, you’ll see a link at the top right
    that says Related Feeds. Some of the stuff that comes
    up is old or no good, but I have discovered (and also
    rediscovered) quite a few fine blogs this way.

  5. Jess

    I like to start with a good collective feed site (like ScienceBlogs, which I read every day) and branch off from there.

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