I’m presenting my book Blogging at our university bookshop, Studia, today at 2:15 pm. If you’re in town you’re very welcome to come! I’m going to talk for 25 minutes and Studia’s serving snacks of some kind, so I think it’ll be good. (I always appreciate snacks.) Oh, it’ll be in Norwegian.
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Mad Mullah Hastur
Good presentation, it could have been longer though. It’s a far too interesting topic to be short about it. I guess I have to read your book, now 😉
Stavelin.com » Blog Archive » Blogging i bokfom
[…] Jill “Dr. Blogging” Walker Rettberg presenterte i dag sin bok, blogging p?• studentsenteret. […]
Jill Walker Rettberg
Thanks! But who ARE you, Mad Mullah?
jill/txt » connecting students working on social media at uib
[…] Yesterday, after the book presentation, I met two of these studetns. Kristine Ludvigsen is studying pedagogy and finishing her Master’s degree on learning in Second Life. She had lots of questions about how to think about ethics in an online environment – she had permission from all her informants, but as the interviews had taken place in Second Life, sometimes other people had turned up in the middle of an interview – or someone simply walked past in the background. Her final paper is going to be a video paper, so she was wondering whether she could use material in the video paper despite there being someone in the background of the image who had’t formally given permission? I think it depends on the situation – but it does show the trickiness of online work. Kristine has already looked at the AoIR’s ethics guidelines: I think she’d find Charles Ess’s new book Digital Media Ethics useful – I only just saw it this morning and will certainly buy a copy. Charles Ess has worked on ethics on the internet for years. […]
Mad Mullah Hastur
Bwahaha! The Mad Mullah is the alter ego of your neighbourhood’s friendly administrator 😉
Jill Walker Rettberg
OMG, you’re our student advisor. We probably have the coolest student advisor in town 🙂
I can’t believe I missed your presentation!! Congratulations on finishing your book, Jill – I’m sure it’s excellent, and I can’t wait to buy it 🙂
Craig Bellamy
Hi Jill, your new book looked interesting. Is there an English version available?
warm regards from tropical Shoreditch,
Craig Bellamy
OK, just answered my own question. Well done on that.
Jill Walker Rettberg
Hey, Craig! Long time no see. Glad to see you found it 🙂
Sosiale medier @ UiB « carlchristian.net
[…] Tidligere i v?•r presenterte Jill sin siste bok, “Blogging” p?• studia. Etterp?• ble Eva og jeg sittende ?• prate med Jill og Kristine som diskuterte hvordan det var ?• sitte alene p?• sitt institutt med sine studier p?• sosiale medier. Dette kunne jeg nikke gjenkjennende til, og fortalte Jill at jeg nok burde ha kontaktet henne i l??pet av skriveprosessen min, men at jeg oppdaget henne, og skj??nte det litt for sent. Paradoksalt nok satt jeg mye alene og skrev om sosiale medier store deler av 2008. Jeg fulgte en forskningsgruppe ved mitt eget institutt, men savnet noen utveksle ideer med noen som delte mitt engasjement for nye medier. Jill var rask med iverksettelse av ideen, blogget om den allerede dagen etter. Etter en m?•neds tid var f??rste m??te p?• plass. […]