Right after Jessica was born, our anthology of scholarly essays on World of Warcraft was finally published! Here’s a pile of them, don’t they look great?
pile of World of Warcraft Readers
Buy your own copy today! Or borrow one from a library 🙂

If you want a closer look online, you can view the table of contents and the introduction at MIT Press’s website.

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3 thoughts on “World of Warcraft anthology is out now!

  1. CW

    Congratulations Jill! I work in a library and have ordered a copy for our collection 🙂

  2. William Patrick Wend

    I am looking forward, even if I don’t play World of Warcraft, to reading this book! Congrats! I will try to get to it later this summer or in the fall.

  3. jill/txt » book launch 2.0

    […] I should be an expert at pushing our World of Warcraft anthology online, after all, I’m a totally passionate blogger, right? Or at least, I am when I’m not more focused on looking after darling little Jessica (who’s now six weeks old and smiles!) Unfortunately it turns out that posting about the book feels kind of a bit dirty – I’m one of those pathetic academics who doesn’t want to get her hands dirty by actually “selling” something or presenting her research in a clear soundbite (”What was the most startling thing you found in your research on World of Warcraft?”). Of course, not wanting to sully one’s blog with anything commercial is a classic old-school blogger hangup that most of the pioneers and A-listers have got over by now (see my other book, Blogging, coming soon from Polity Press, pages ), so in between nappy changes I’ve been spending a few minutes here and there at least thinking of the many ways I could leverage web 2.0 to get the entire world reading our book. Because of course, everyone should be interested in it, don’t you think? […]

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