World of Warcraft seems to have exhausted my graphics card. After a couple of hours play, the screen did that thing computers do when they’re really ill, where the image gets all stripey and distorted and you can do nothing. Next time it happened after twenty minutes play, then five, now five seconds. Plain old regular computer use is fine, once I’ve restarted.

Turns out my imac’s serial number lands it bang in the middle of a run of imacs sold with an error in the video card. Ah well, they’ll fix it, I assume, when the support phone people are back at work.

The upside? I’m installing it on my Powerbook, which travels better anyway 🙂

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2 thoughts on “wore out my graphics card

  1. dr. b.

    I have to say that WoW rocks on my Powerbook!!

  2. cough

    sign from above?


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